IV Infusion Therapy
Nutritional Drips
EXPERIENCE IV THERAPY AT IVory Blanc Wellness Lounge
At IVory Blanc we provide innovative and personalized treatment to help you feel and look your best inside and out. Self-care is for everyone. Welcome.
Pick me Up Myers Cocktail
Price: $190
Glow Beauty Drip
Price: $180
Athletic Recovery
Price: $185
Pain Relief (Migraine)
Price: $180
Price: $180
Immunity Boost
Price: $180
Price: $160
Energy Boost (Fatigue)
Price: $160
NAD+ Anti Aging
Price: $350 (250 mg dose)
Price: $500 (500 mg dose)
High dose vitamin C
* This drip requires us to test your blood. Please make an appt for lab draw, once we receive your results we can schedule your high dose vitamin C infusion. (If you drip has less than 20 grams no ned for lab testing.)
Price: $190 ( Cost will increase for higher doses)
Basic Hydration
Price $100 (500 cc Bag)
Price $120 (1000 cc Bag
Make your own
Select up to three IV add ins (Excludes Glutathione)
Price: $160
Price $150
Weight Loss/Metabolic
Price: $160
Pre or Post Party Hangover Mix
Price $180
Price: $180
Duo Drip
Excludes > $180 in value
Price $300 for 2 drips